If you want your event listed on the Events page, email an electronic copy (bmp, png, jpeg, or jpg) of your event flyer to m_j_clauson@juno.com. Posting your events on this site or our FB page is a benefit of being a MCOC member.
MCOC meetings are held bi-monthly at various locations in Michigan. The next meeting is on the first Friday of April 4th, 2025, at 8:00pm at:
Devils Diciples – FLINT
4202 Fenton Rd, Flint, MI 48507.
The meeting starts promptly at 8:00 PM. MCOC meetings are open to most motorcycle organizations (see below) and open to all independent riders. Those encouraged to attend are: members of Motorcycle clubs (MCs), riding clubs (RCs), motorcycle associations (MAs), motorcycle ministries (MMs), motorcycle rights organizations (MROs), etc., and individuals (independent riders, non-riders, anyone who loves freedom and willing to take a stand, etc.), all of these are welcome to attend.
SORRY, LEOs – Law Enforcement Organizations are not welcome at this meeting.